COMP6258: Differentiable Programming and Deep Learning


Maintained by Professor Jonathon Hare and Dr Antonia Marcu.

Lab 7 - Recurrent Networks, Sequence Prediction and Embeddings

Jonathon Hare, 3rd March 2019

Change History

  • 20190303: Initial version
  • 20200126: Minor updates for the 1920 AY
  • 20230326: Additions for 2223 AY


This lab started out its life as a Keras practical developed for Lloyds Register and DISCNet. The LSTM-based Nietzsche generator described in the first part of the lab is inspired by the Keras examples. The remaining parts of the lab are based around Ben Trevett’s excellent PyTorch & TorchText tutorial (MIT License).

This version is refocussed on using PyTorch with Torchbearer. A number of changes have been made to ensure that it better fits our format and I’ve also added additional information and exercises throughout.


In this lab we’ll use PyTorch to model and analyse sequence data using recurrent neural networks made from computational blocks called a “Long Short Term Memory”, or LSTM. In the first part of the tutorial we’ll explore how we can predict language - given a starting character, can we predict what will come next? We’ll start by implementing a simple “1st-order Markov Chain” to learn the transisition probabilities between characters, and we’ll then compare this to a model that can learn longer-term dependencies using a recurrent neural network.

The second part will look at word embeddings, and we’ll explore what kinds of things one can do with pre-trained embeddings.

The third part will look at sequence classification. Sequence classification is a predictive modeling problem where you have some sequence of inputs over space or time and the task is to predict a category for the sequence. What makes this problem difficult is that the sequences can vary in length, be comprised of a very large vocabulary of input symbols and may require the model to learn the long-term context or dependencies between symbols in the input sequence.

The forth and final part of the tutorial will make us think twice about the use of recurrent neural networks, and look at the performance that can be achieved just by using feed-forward convolutions over time.

Through this part of the tutorial you’ll learn how to:

  • How to learn a language model using a recurrent network & to sample the model to generate new language.
  • How to use callbacks during training to monitor progress.
  • How to use a word embedding to project one-hot encoded word vectors into a lower dimensional latent space.
  • How to encorporate pre-trained word embeddings into you models.
  • How to develop an LSTM model for a sequence classification problem.
  • How to use temporal convolutions for sequence prediction tasks.

Getting started

To work through this lab you’ll use the Python 3 language in a Jupyter Notebook environment, with the pytorch tensor library, the torchvision utility library and the torchbearer model training library. We’ll also use the matplotlib, scikit-learn and numpy packages. We will primarily be using Google Colab to run the notebooks as this gives you access to an environment with all the tools required. If you wish to run the notebooks locally, see the information in the section below.

The following is a list of the notebooks for this lab, with links to open directly in Google Colab (once opened you should immediately save a copy in your Google Drive otherwise anything you do will be lost once the browser closes), or to download locally. You should work through the notebooks in numeric order as they follow on from each other.

7.1 Modelling Sequences Open In Colab preview download
7.2 Word Embeddings Open In Colab preview download
7.3 Sequence Classification Open In Colab preview download
7.4 Convolutional Sequence Classification Open In Colab preview download
7.5 Transformer Language Model Open In Colab preview download

Prerequisites for running on your own machines

You’ll need access to a computer with the following installed:

  • Python (>= 3.6)
  • notebook (>=5.4.1)
  • pytorch (>= 0.4)
  • torchvision (>=0.2.1)
  • torchbearer (>= 0.2.6)
  • NumPy (>= 1.12.1)
  • SciPy (>= 1.0.1)
  • scikit-learn (>= 0.19.1)
  • matplotlib (>= 2.2.2)
  • spacy (>= 2.0.18)
  • torchtext (>= 0.3.1)

If you want to work on your own machine we recommend using the Anaconda python distribution. Running conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch (see for more options) will install both pytorch and torchvision. Torchbearer can be installed with pip install torchbearer. This lab can be run without hardware acceleration, but it will be slow!

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